Robyn Ochs

 Robyn is the editor of the BISEXUAL RESOURCE GUIDE (Boston: Bisexual Resource Center, 2001), which includes, among (many) other things, an annotated bibliography of books with bisexual characters and/or content.

Robyn and the Bisexual Resource Guide were the subjects of a feature article by Heidi Randen in the Journal of Bisexuality (Haworth Press), Volume 1, Number 1, 2001, pages 5-26). (link to this interview)

Some of Robyn's essays include:

"Uncommon Wisdom" column in the Fall 2001 issue of In the Family: The Magazine for Queer People and Their Loved Ones.(p. 5). Question: "Why do so many women who easily admit to having male and female lovers refuse the label 'bisexual'? (link to this article)

"Bisexuality" in Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia (Bonnie Zimmerman, ed.) Garland Publishing, 2000. (link to this article)

"Bisexual Movement" (co-authored by Liz Highleyman) in Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia (Bonnie Zimmerman, ed.) Garland Publishing, 2000. (link to this article)

"Teaching Bisexuality," in The Sociology of Sexuality and Sexual Orientation: Syllabi and Teaching Materials (Paula C. Rust, ed.) American Sociological Association, 1997.

"Biphobia: It Goes More than Two Ways," in Bisexuality: The Identity and Politics of an Invisible Minority (Beth Firestein, ed.) Sage Publications, 1996. (link to this article)

"Bisexual Etiquette: Helpful Hints for Bisexuals Working With Lesbians and Gay Men," in Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queeries and Visions (Naomi Tucker with Liz Highleyman and Rebecca Kaplan, eds.) Hayworth Press, 1995. (link to this article)

"Bisexuality, Feminism, Men and Me," in Closer to Home: Bisexuality & Feminism (Elizabeth Reba Weise, ed.) Seal Press, 1992.  (reprinted in Women: Images and Realities: A Multicultural Anthology (Mayfield Publishing Co., 1999), edited by Desselman, McNair, Schniedewind, and in The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality, ed. Tracy E. Ore (Mayfield: 2000; McGraw-Hill 2003 (forthcoming). (link to this article)

"BiPhobia," (with Marcia Deihl) in Homophobia: How We All Pay The Price (Warren Blumenfeld, ed.) Beacon Press, 1992. (reprinted in Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology on Racism, Antisemitism, Sexism, Heterosexism, Ableism, and Classism (Routledge, 2000), edited by Maurianne Adams, Warren J. Blumenfeld, Rosie Castaņeda, Heather W. Hackman, Madeline L. Peters, and Ximena Zúņiga.

"From the Closet to the Stage," in Bi Any Other Name (Loraine Hutchins and Lani Ka'ahumanu, eds.) Alyson Publications, 1990.  (link to this article)

Her writings have appeared in Bisexuality: A Reader & Sourcebook (Tom Geller, ed. Times Change Press, 1989), Sojourner, Gay Community News, Empathy, Gay People's Chronicle, Bi Women, In the Family, and other bi publications too numerous to mention. 

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